Sunday, July 23, 2006

Miracle Friends

As you may know, I have some disabilities left from a surgery gone bad. Once in a while I lose sight of where I am going and who I am and just dont want to do anything, see anyone or be anywhere. A couple weeks ago I was in one of those valleys and I asked God why? In that asking I said that I was at my wits end, could not go any more and did not want to go any more.

That pit of despair led me to one of the most miraculous days of my life.

That morning I struggled to go to work. Did not want to be there, did not want to be anywhere. But God, in His infinite mercy was going to teach me that He had heard me and if I would only take the time to count my blessings, I would not end up in a pit (except that I am human and will end up there several times again I am sure).

That day I had the blessing of having two good friends working with me on a project and that began to pick me up. Then another friend, Mr. Indubitably by name, called me from North Carolina out of the blue to see how I was doing and to catch up as we have not exchanged for a number of months.

I opened my email and there was a mail from the Boy Scout of the UK asking me if I was doing ok. Shortly later, another good friend from Colorado, the Bull by name called to let me know what was going on and to see how I was doing. Had not spoken to him for a while. Next the Riceman called, we have been exchanging voice mails for a while but had not touched each other for some time and it was good to hear from him.

None of these had spoken to each other nor had they known what my situation was, that I was down and out and the were lifting me up. My wife of 26 years called me after seeing me down in the morning before I left the house to tell me that all was good.

Before 2 o'clock that day Father Mbanks called, we have not spoken for 5 or 6 months at least and we are and will be for our lifetimes the best of friends. He just had some time and thought of me and called to see how things were going. We used to go to church together when we both lived in the Metroplex.

Only the Holy Spirit of God could do this. The miracle of friends and friends that are miracles, each in their own way at their own time guided by God to touch me.

The joy that was brought was wonderful, and the most wonderful miracle was not my friends, no slight to them intended, but was God, who through them gave me what I needed and gently told me that He is there. Always. And will meet my needs if I just give them to Him.

This day goes into my list of unforgettables for good reason, but even more helps me to remember that this is not about me, its about God and what ever he has for me that must I be and do. Sorry Lord, sometimes its just hard to get ME out of the way.

turn the key and smile.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lawsuits, Doctors & God

This has been a strange day for me. While supposedly taking a day off from work, I have worked, but also I have reviewed some legal documents about a medical condition I have been left with from a surgery.

Now the doctor of course believes that he saved my life, when in fact he changed it. The doctor who I believe saved my life is not happy to have gotten involved in a lawsuit against a doctor that sends patients to him.

All of this of course is bigger than any of the doctors or myself. Without the hand of God in it I would not be here to blog this day or live this day. Though through the hands of those He has chosen and through His miraculous power I live.

Through His plan this lawsuit was originated. It would not have gotten this far without His intervention. So the battle is not mine, but His. I just need to know where to stand and sing praises.

It is difficult to stay back and let events unfold as He allows them, not to push and pull and otherwise try to effect the outcomes as it is in my history to do.

Though I am disabled, through that disability I have been able to speak the name of Jesus before more people in the last three years than I had taken that opportunity all the rest of my life outside of Church situations.

Sometimes I wonder what it all is for, no matter what the outcome of the lawyers I will still be disabled, but for some reason I continue to pursue life. I do admit there are some days that I want to pursue nothing, but when I feel like that, He lifts me up.

Lord tell me where to stand, that I may give you praise, and watch the battle that is yours.

turn the key and smile.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

No Special Life, Just Life

Who said life is fair? We all have expectations, goals, dreams and hopes and we dont celebrate enough the small things realized and we suffer too much for large things failed. Even Solomon said all was vanity.

Our humanity too often clouds the reality that this life is preparation for eternity. We dont look to the joy of eternity enough and we get caught up in the things and situations of this life.

Not long ago my doctors found what looked like a recurrance of cancer. One of them said it was devastating. After the initial shock the hope of the Holy Spirit came to me and taught me that I am alive now, and in eternity I will still be alive. There is a transition that may not be so pretty but on either side of it I am alive.

But then there is the reality of today, that we are not all that we think we are. Not as smart, not as healthy, not as well off, not anything but it is so hard to face.

And when it is faced, what do you do? Roll over and give up? That would be easier than acceptance that is for sure.

Things are still being created and things are falling apart and dying. That is the cycle of this life. Day by day you are doing one or the other or both together. Creating or falling apart or some of each.

Being part of creating brings such joy and falling apart such pain and sorrow.

So whats the point here, I dont know. I am not that smart, not that healthy, not that well off, not anything. All we can do is reach out and hold on to the hope of eternity, the relationships of those we love and love us, and keep on pushing until our time is completed.

turn the key and smile.