Saturday, July 01, 2006

No Special Life, Just Life

Who said life is fair? We all have expectations, goals, dreams and hopes and we dont celebrate enough the small things realized and we suffer too much for large things failed. Even Solomon said all was vanity.

Our humanity too often clouds the reality that this life is preparation for eternity. We dont look to the joy of eternity enough and we get caught up in the things and situations of this life.

Not long ago my doctors found what looked like a recurrance of cancer. One of them said it was devastating. After the initial shock the hope of the Holy Spirit came to me and taught me that I am alive now, and in eternity I will still be alive. There is a transition that may not be so pretty but on either side of it I am alive.

But then there is the reality of today, that we are not all that we think we are. Not as smart, not as healthy, not as well off, not anything but it is so hard to face.

And when it is faced, what do you do? Roll over and give up? That would be easier than acceptance that is for sure.

Things are still being created and things are falling apart and dying. That is the cycle of this life. Day by day you are doing one or the other or both together. Creating or falling apart or some of each.

Being part of creating brings such joy and falling apart such pain and sorrow.

So whats the point here, I dont know. I am not that smart, not that healthy, not that well off, not anything. All we can do is reach out and hold on to the hope of eternity, the relationships of those we love and love us, and keep on pushing until our time is completed.

turn the key and smile.


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