Where Is the Heart?
Today as I fly out to meetings my heart is not with me but with some friends of mine. God is teaching me that its not only what I can physically do to help and support my friends but what I can share in feelings and experiences as they go through life’s experiences.
So where is my heart today?
First it is in joy to God for yesterday when my wife returned from the doctors with the news that the lump in her breast is nothing. Bless God for her and the 27 years that she has put up with me. She is a saint.
Second my heart today is with my dear friend in Germany who is reaching out for God to know Him and be loved by Him. I hope he understands that the Lord already loves him, he just needs to accept it. What Jesus accomplished for the foregiveness of sins is already done and he can have it and with it great joy and satisfaction. My heart is with him while he tries to fill the emptiness inside that only Jesus can fill.
Third my heart in is Houston with my oldest friend who is out of a job. His faith and his joy are still there but he needs to find work and so my heart must be with him to share that anxiety until he finds a job.
My heart is in Flagstaff, AZ with the wife of a friend who has throat cancer and is awaiting surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Having gone through those treatments my heart goes out as I know the struggles to come but the value of life afterward as well.
My heart is in Coppell, TX where a dear friend struggles daily to build a business. His faith has kept him going and I share his struggle and wish God’s blessings on all his work.
My heart is with my children. A son who is coming back to normal life after several years of not a normal one. Trying to assimilate and still hold on to himself. He is blessed more than he knows and his dreams are alive. A daughter who is working so hard at school and has made me proud and above all loves God. She will accomplish much as long as she learns to do as much as she can today, and leave tomorrow’s work for tomorrow. My youngest son who is trying hard to be the person he wants to be, but has not yet figured out that he cannot do that, only God can. He wants to trust but he still thinks he can do it. I pray that he soon accepts that it is not about him and gives it to the Lord who can do much more and much greater things than he has ever thought about.
My heart is in Denver where a friend has been hurt by a divorce, a friend is more compassionate than even he knows and another friend is one of the most caring people that I have known….thats “Uncle” by the way. Blessings and joy upon them all as I share wit h them and learn from them in my heart.
The Spirit has led me to share the experiences of each of those above, whether they know it or not, but God knows and I know that the prayers for each and the blessings for each will bring good to each one. For God is good, all the time.
Living the Dream.