Sunday, January 30, 2005

Rest, Quiet, Confidence & Money

A “Good Sunday” to you all. Sunny and mid-60’s here in Socal (Southern California) and God is Good.

Today the church talked about money. For those of you who are not believers, that should catch your attention. Another reason that you are right not to believe, but if you thought so, your right would be wrong.

And to those of you who believe, but are not regular church goers, “Aha you say” knowing that your decision not to be committed is validated by the money terms. Again I would say, that your non-committal would be wrong based on the term money.

Pastor Dan Kelm at Salem Lutheran Church ( )in Orange, CA titled his message “The Sermon on the Amount”. He used Matthew 19:16-26 as the scripture basis for the teaching. The Word tells the story of the rich young man that believes he is keeping all the commandments and wants to know what more he can do to be saved. Our Lord Jesus says sell all, give to the poor and follow Him. The young man goes away with a heavy heart. He missed it.

Nothing we can do is ever enough to save us. Just like money, there is never enough. The point our Lord was making was that the only way to salvation is in Him. Not in anything in this world, of this world or whatever you can do.

So why the money? I have always believed that if Christ does not have your wallet, He does not have you.

That is true in other things as well. One good example is: If you have a separate bank account from your spouse, your spouse does not have you either. Two joined together are one!

Nothing is so dear to a person as their wallet and the money it holds. If you can give that up, you can really do wonders in this world.

As well, the tithe is a form of worship as well as response to a command from God. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse…..(Malachi 3:10) the tithe is a 10th of the fruits of your labor. But you need to understand which 10th. It is the FIRST 10th and that is very important.

“And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's. It is holy to the Lord.” (Leviticus 27:30) “Honor the Lord with your substance, with the first fruits of your increase” (Proverbs 3:9).

Give it up and He will always take care of you. I have twenty five years of proof that no matter what has happened, we have had what we needed. Don’t take my word, test it and see if its true.

Now, I titled this post with Rest, Quiet and Confidence and now you can have the rest from the money talk.

Isaiah 30:15 says, “…in returning and rest you will be saved, and in quietness and confidence will be your strength.”

Trust Him with your wallet, and you will rest and be confident.



At January 30, 2006 at 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you go there? i do. and those money sermons are the reason there was a long hiatus in my attendence


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