Sunday, January 09, 2005

In, But Not Of

Three days ago I received my shipment from Amazon that contained a book by Hugh Hewitt called "In, But Not Of". The three days since have been immersed in the book as time was available and it is finished today. First let me say that the premise of the book, the need for Christians to seek positions of influence in this world is one not often spoken of but sorely needed in my opinion.

Second, I wish someone had given me a copy of this book when I was between 18-25 which would have been over 25 years ago. Though not written at that time, the value of what I have learned is up near the top of what my most respected mentor's have given me over the years.

Third, this is a must read for my three children of 22, 20 and 18. I am buying three more copies (as my copy has enough nuggets in it that I need to keep that one available for me to continue to review and use it). In fact, if I can pull it off, I intend to buy a copy for every graduating senior in my youngest son's class at Orange Lutheran High School. Though many may not even crack the cover open, if one or two read and heed, their lives will get a jump start to the Christian leadership path that we need new generation leaders on.

Not since I read "The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer or "The Memoirs of the Second World War" by Winston Churchill have I been as moved by the content, recognized the genious of the thinking or just plain enjoyed what was being said. The single most moving thought is the understanding that all people are immortal souls and that impacting any one of them has infinite consequences.

In my life I am only beginning to really understand the infinity of something as finite as I am and as we are. Having gone through some medical challenges and currently living with several equipment appendages from those medical issues (like breathing through a trache) the frailty of our bodies has been clearly understood and though known and said and believed for many years the eternity of our spirits is only now really sinking in. And by sinking in I mean grasping the meaning of infinite and eternal and forever. Its been in my head, but only now becoming real in my heart and this book has helped support that in a clear, concise and simple way. Did I say simple? Hugh Hewitt is clearly an intellectual, but has reached out in humility with what I like to call a Simple Elegance.... and made the point.

For many of us our fathers, the people of influence in our lives combined have not said as much with wisdom as this book has spoken and that is why it is a must read for anyone who is a believer and believes that God has a purpose for their life. Even for those who don't believe, this might bring you to the point where you can have some hope for this life and the life beyond.

In the next few days I will post the nuggets I have gleaned from the book in bullet format which is something I do with all I read and regard enough to want to remember and hopefully apply to my life.

I dont know Hugh Hewitt personally, but someday I hope to meet him. He lives in the same county I do in Southern California. Don't know where, and I don't know how, but someday I will meet this man and know that he is a leader of integrity, faith and intellect. Any time spent with a person like this is a time of value and a time of learning. You only get a few of these so if I get the chance I will jump on it.

Anyway, enough rambling for one post, except that I have to be thankful for this evening my son slid off the road in the rains of California and the car stopped on the edge of an embankment. The car is finished but my son is not hurt. Another 15 feet and only the Good Lord knows how many times it would have rolled over and over.



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